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魔女之家 第一季:更新到13集劇情簡介評論(在下方寫下對應集數的評論吧!)

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《魔女之家 第一季第02集》劇情介紹:

瑞雯和切爾西是兩個離婚的單身女性,她們住在一所房子里撫養各自的孩子。有一天瑞雯的一個孩子發現自己繼承了ta媽媽預知未來的本領,整個大家庭頓時陷入異常混亂。   Raven and Chelsea are now divorced single mothers raising their two separate families in one chaotic, but fun household full of friends. When one of Raven's kids begins to show signs that they have inherited her trait of seeing into the future, the already hectic household gets turned upside down, keeping even Raven on her toes.


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