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爆破劇情介紹  邁克爾•大衛(杰克•吉倫哈爾飾),一個投資失敗的銀行投資家,在事業遭遇低谷之時,他的妻子意外身亡。事業、愛情都陷入了絕望的境地,生活也變得支離破碎,人生陷入了從來未有的谷底。對未來失去了希望的他卻意外邂逅了獨自養育孩子的單親媽媽莫雷諾•凱倫(娜奧米•沃茨飾),并對她產生了微妙的情愫。莫雷諾•凱倫是自動販賣機公司的銷售代表,同時她也是一個癮君子。她一邊吸食大麻,一邊與她認為的財主老板邁克爾•大衛約會。她將邁克爾•大衛所有的錢都騙進她的自動販賣機里。本以為可以重拾希望的邁克爾•大衛再次跌落谷底,他向自動販賣機的老板投訴莫雷諾•凱倫的行為。在這次投訴的處理過程中,兩人重新審視了對方。邁克爾•大衛重新認識了身為癮君子的單親媽媽,莫雷諾•凱倫重新認識了這個落魄的“財主”。于是,微妙的情愫在兩人之間變得濃厚,蔓延開來…… 爆破預告片
    爆破首發預告片   02:13   爆破首發預告片 爆破主題曲
      Heartaches and Pain - Charles Bradley(爆破插曲) 【查看歌詞】  點擊試聽

       Heartaches and Pain - Charles Bradley


      Crazy On You - Heart(爆破插曲) 【查看歌詞】  點擊試聽

       Crazy On You - Heart

      We may still have time
      We might still get by
      Every time I think about it I want to cry
      With the bombs and the devils
      And the kids keep coming
      Nowhere to breathe easy
      no time to be young
      But I tell myself that I'm doing alright
      There's nothing left to do tonight
      but go crazy on you
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      My love is the evening breeze touching your skin
      The gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind
      The whisper that calls, after you in the night
      And kisses your ear in the early light
      And you don't need to wonder
      you're doing fine
      And my love, the pleasure's mine
      Let me go crazy on you
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      Wild man's world is crying in pain
      What're you gonna to do
      When everybody's insane
      So afraid of one who's so afraid of you
      What are you gonna do
      crazy on you
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      I was a willow last night in my dream
      I bent down over a clear running stream
      I sang you the song that I heard up above
      And you keep me alive with your sweet, flowing love
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      crazy on you
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      For my lover,
      Everything is gonna be OK.
      Believe me.
      crazy on you
      crazy on you
      let me go crazy crazy on you
      Oh~Oh~ 爆破劇照 爆破海報
        爆破劇照 爆破劇照


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